It always sounds strange when I say that Cuvée Coffee is 20 years old, but I started the company in 1998, so I guess the math doesn’t lie.  We’ve tried a lot of different things and chased countless numbers of shiny objects over the past 2 decades, but the one constant has always been exceptional quality.  With that in mind, we have made some changes, starting with the brand “refresh”.  We have had a few different variations over the years, and with each one we have learned something we then used to improve.

First things first, the bags are still Cuvée Blue and I can’t imagine that ever changing.  For the past decade our whole bean coffee has been packaged in the color that has become part of our identity.  And since that blue bag is closely associate with some of the best whole bean coffee on the planet, we wanted to make sure that the brand is approachable.  So rather than clutter the bag with information that most people who buy whole bean coffee find useless, we chose to streamline our label with the things that people told us were important to them.  Front and center, you will find the country of origin, degree of roast and flavor notes.  For the folks who want to geek out a little more, there will be lots more info on our brand new website.

As the company has grown, so has the need to roast more coffee.  We have installed a brand new, state of the art Giesen W60 coffee roaster and, as you might expect, it’s Cuvée Blue.  Moving from 10 kilo and 30 kilo roasters to a 60 kilo is full of challenges, but that topic will be saved for another post.  You can still find our brand at some of the best coffee shops and restaurants in the country, but we have also been fortunate to work with some of the best grocery chains as they start to transition their coffee aisles, much like they have their beer aisles.  We also wanted to make it easier for you to purchase online so now we have some of the best whole bean coffee on Amazon as well, giving you two different ways to get our Direct Trade, freshly roasted coffee delivered straight to your door.

Along with the investment in amazing equipment and straight forward packaging design, we’ve reformulated some of our blends and given them new names.  Our house espresso (Meritage) will officially be retired and replaced with Stella Cometa, which translates to “guiding light”.  Since espresso has always been the core of Cuvée Coffee, it only seemed appropriate to rename it as such.  Spicewood 71 Classic is now Emporium, Mezzanote becomes West Pole and 71 Decaf is now Jackalope Decaf.  If you are interested in more of the story behind the names and/or more detailed info about the blends or coffees, you can find it all on our new and improved website.

We’ve always had a core lineup of single origins available year-round, but now we have added some new seasonal and semi-seasonal offerings. Be on the lookout on our social media, website, or sign up for our newsletter if you want to be kept up to date.  We also have a brand new espresso blend offering called Karmadillo.  This was my passion project and attempt to recreate my first espresso experience back in 2001.  I’ll provide more detail about it in another post and I have no doubt that it will become one of our best sellers in no time.

As with every company, we’ve had people come and go over the past 20 years.  But the one thing that remains the same is that our team is passionate and unwavering in their constant pursuit to create not only the best coffee, but the best overall experience for our friends, family and fans.  So feel free to reach out to us anytime and let us know what you’re drinking or what you’re thinking.  And as we continue to send our little blue bags and cans of nitro cold brew to other cities and states across the country, rest assured that we’ll continue to extend that southern hospitality that permeates our home state of Texas.

So go ahead and pour, press, extract, sip and savor the fruits of our labor.  Then share your experience with us on social media via words, pictures or interpretive dance…the choice is yours.