Caffé Medici | Coffee Partner Series

"Allison and I really love what Caffé Medici is now, but we’re really excited about what Caffé Medici is going to be."

Reticent to speak too fondly of his business or himself, Michael Vaclav describes the humble beginnings and explosive growth of Caffé Medici with a resolute reverence. "[Allison and I] both realized that Medici was bigger than us, it’s not our thing, it’s bigger than that," he said during our interview. This disposition shows in the lovable way the couple approaches their business, their employees and their community. And the endearment is certainly requited. Austin loves Caffé Medici. So much so, in fact, that Caffé Medici is often credited with grandfathering Austin's specialty coffee scene. But the love is not limited to just Austin. The Daily Meal recently published a list of America's 50 Best Coffee Shops naming Medici among them.

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Since its inception, Caffé Medici has used Cuvée Coffee, and we couldn't be prouder to have played a part in their success. We look forward to the beautifully evolving landscape of Austin's coffee scene together.


Read more:

> Love or Hate | Keurig and the K-Cup
> TOMS Shoes To Roast Coffee. Welcome to ATX, TOMS!
> Should Local Coffee Shops Be Afraid? Starbucks Initiates New Strategy.
> Stuck-Up Baristas Are Driving People To Starbucks
> Coffee Is Communal
> Cuvée Coffee Source Trip to Ethiopia | A Commitment to Partnership
